Thursday, July 9, 2009

good girls go bad......not about the song.....

so i'm really getting bored with this blogspot thing. i think the title part bugs me alot! i never know what to put there! it's annoying. so yesterday i went to Janae's youth group and i think the message was the same message that made janae make her decision of leaving me (bleeding on the floor) lol. it made me look at things differently. Janae is a destraction to my faith and a demon works through her that is specified for me. hmmm.... that's me and janaes closest connection. we share demons! :( the message made me remember about...everything... i was so distracted that whole time. i didn't notice anyone.
i was planning on not going this time. i didn't want to see her. well that's what i was telling myself. and than she semi flirted a little to get me to go like, "i NEED to see you before i leave for camp. i would be sad" and etc... and, of course, i went. then she didn't pay attention to me. hahaha! shocker right?! after youth... she asked,
"how was youth for you?"
i said, "I've been away from Him for a year. ever since u broke up with me. i felt.... well i'm not going into detail. and it put me down. satan gets to me through you . no offence. and i get dreams of dreams of killing myself...etc.... im tired."
she said, "ya. you know i had those problems too that why i quit guys... but what about now?...did youth do anything? do you feel different?"
i said, "truthly, no. made me remember..."
she said, "Try to open up...give God all those problems!"

then i stopped talking.... i'm stuck in this... and i can't kill myself because that is "satan getting through me". that's what youth said, and i need to put the armor of God. hmmm.... i've been dead for a year....

p.s going to hawaii tomorrow. should be packing. i need a vacation from this mess.


  1. Do you actually agree with Janae's youthgroup?

  2. Derek,

    Who's to say that you have a demon in you? You were a distraction from God for Janae. That doesn't mean there's a demon. When you go to that youth group, you MUST be careful. You gotta realize that they've got something messed up. Remember my post after I went to that youth group? I didn't agree with them at all. I still don't.
    You don't have a demon in you. Neither does Janae. You might be distractions for each other, but that has nothing to do with demons! The only reason that you were a distraction was because she had her mind on you more than God. Demons have nothing to do with that. If they did, everyone would have a demon in them. Does that sound right to you? The reason we sin isn't because of demons. It's human nature.
    I don't mean to offend you, but you can't believe that. A demon is an excuse for sins. Obviously, there are demons, yes. But I don't believe they're involved with this.

    Hopefully that made sense.

  3. you listen to that youth group? that could be your problem! i know i might sound a little blunt but i dont like what they preach or at least their youth group...the sunday service isnt bad.
