Sunday, July 26, 2009


i'm taking a break for a while. since i went to hawaii, i relized that i can actually have a life without blogspot and i don't really have anything to talk about right now so... i will be back. sometime. idk.

p.s i'm going to LHS for one week and if i don't like it i'm coming back to ELCA. just so you know.

Friday, July 24, 2009

bored as heck!

my gosh, i have successfully did nothing all week! i don't even feel like talking about hawaii! i'm so tired and bored!! what is wrong with me!! well i want to see the new harry potter movie at the kuhn tonight. you guys probably saw it while i was gone but....that's stupid. you didn't see it with me yet. so...not the same! :) lol jk. so yeah. we should do something about it.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


so i'm still tired. i will post about the trip tomorrow. stupid jetlag!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

buh bye world!.....for now

well their is no way i'm going to get one tomorrow morning. i will be so tired and cranky.
but i will post about my trip to hawaii early afternoon. keep in touch k? o and i might bring soiveinears (spell check)... maybe... so yeah. their BETTER be WiFi at the hotel. or... i will die... but maybe away from myspace, facebook, and blogspot is what i need. idk. i will make my decision when i get there.



p.s if i do die, tell janae.... sorry. and etc.... everything i told you guys!

good girls go bad......not about the song.....

so i'm really getting bored with this blogspot thing. i think the title part bugs me alot! i never know what to put there! it's annoying. so yesterday i went to Janae's youth group and i think the message was the same message that made janae make her decision of leaving me (bleeding on the floor) lol. it made me look at things differently. Janae is a destraction to my faith and a demon works through her that is specified for me. hmmm.... that's me and janaes closest connection. we share demons! :( the message made me remember about...everything... i was so distracted that whole time. i didn't notice anyone.
i was planning on not going this time. i didn't want to see her. well that's what i was telling myself. and than she semi flirted a little to get me to go like, "i NEED to see you before i leave for camp. i would be sad" and etc... and, of course, i went. then she didn't pay attention to me. hahaha! shocker right?! after youth... she asked,
"how was youth for you?"
i said, "I've been away from Him for a year. ever since u broke up with me. i felt.... well i'm not going into detail. and it put me down. satan gets to me through you . no offence. and i get dreams of dreams of killing myself...etc.... im tired."
she said, "ya. you know i had those problems too that why i quit guys... but what about now?...did youth do anything? do you feel different?"
i said, "truthly, no. made me remember..."
she said, "Try to open up...give God all those problems!"

then i stopped talking.... i'm stuck in this... and i can't kill myself because that is "satan getting through me". that's what youth said, and i need to put the armor of God. hmmm.... i've been dead for a year....

p.s going to hawaii tomorrow. should be packing. i need a vacation from this mess.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

busy busy

today, i think i'm sleeping over at tonn's to see anthony whom i never seen in like what 3-4 years! i think it will be interesting. i try to do the whole blogging thing on my ipod but it only allows me to read comments and stuff so i probably wont post for the next day or 2. then tomorrow i'm going to go shopping one more time before my trip. and since no one wants to go shopping with me anymore since i'm at the mall for more than 6 hours, i have to go with my mom. that's fine. just don't have REAL friends anymore :) i'm leaving around 12pm and going to go crazy getting everything i can touch! muhahaha! i'm the malls worst nightmare!!!! :) than the day after tomorrow, i can't do ANYTHING! i have to pack, plan, and etc. than friday, going. to. hawaii. so i can't believe i couldn't see much friends before the middle of july. wierd right? but august will be fun! my mom will be gone and i can do alot more stuff! the first thing my dad and i are going to do is burn my couch and buy new ones! yes! finally! i hate those things! so during this whole time i have to figure out what school to go to. before hawaii! great. just fantastic. ELCA- not get my moneys worth because the teachers suck and i don't have that much options as classes anyway, but i know the people there and i can get insight from like marshall. and it's a Christian society, im feel safe there and God will be with that place. but just so you know, i'm going to LHS anyways Jr year and Sr. year. i am forcing myself to go there for those years. LHS- won't have to pay. WAY more options. get to pick 5 of my classes such as welding, maching, and design classes. and more money for college. but i won't know much people there and it's a big change. i don't know what's expected.

i'm leaning more to LHS, fyi. because it leads to a bright and easy future. and ELCA i'm going to suffer. and my dad thinks ELCA kinda sucks because i didn't get my SAT tests done! i can't believe the teachers there! they couldn't get a replacement for mrs. collins and my dad is furious about that. and MR Hill never gave me my last test back and he never told me my grade before hand even if he asked, he makes excuses such as "my computers off, get back at it later" so yeah, now you know what i mean about the whole ,"not getting my moneys worth"

do you agree? what do you think i should do? PLEASE comment! :) thanks.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

can't ever think of a clever title

so i went to stayton for fireworks... that was fun... the whole town knows how to do a great 4th of July! their was actually trafic and you see fireworks everywhere in a neighborhood! when we past by a house... they're having a HUGE party! amazing.
Today, i went to the lake..again.. and i was there for 8 hours. wow. im very tired!!!
im going to Hawaii in 5 days. it's going to be stressful 5 days. i have to start my list. NOT PACKING YET. my mom is going to take me shopping one more time before i leave. i want to bring some...friends... i have to ask first though so i will keep in touch. kk?
goodnight. :)

Friday, July 3, 2009


for the last two days i've been in water. hmmm... loving it! so Jakob couldn't come to the lake today because he forgot about his camping trip, who would want to go camping in this weather! whatever, so i invited marshall and he came! that easy! the water was great... that's about it. OH we found this giant log and we got these to sticks that look like a paddle. it worked, kinda, i kept falling and marshall kept making it sink! gosh! lol! :) well afterwards we went to the REAL A&W in sweet home! (lebanon's suck) we had the best Root Beer Floats....ever.... like scary good... im scared... than we had a papa burger! my gosh! kill! yeah... wow i just got really tired.... so i'm not having that Fourth of July party anymore so we can keep the fireworks for new years! were i'm having a BIG party! you guys better come! gosh!!! tomorrow im going to Stayton for fireworks... i mean like a HUGE firework show and i get front seats! yeah!!! who wants to come? eh eh? call/text me idk if i can bring friends yet... i'm going to ask tomorrow... so yeah... stay in touch! kk.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

summer getting better

today, i went swimming in the river with Jakob, Shauna, and Shauna's friends. I normally don't complain about water, but that was cold. but we swam down the current a little and found a warm spot. warm for oregon! Jakob and I played in the water fall. had fun today and actually tired! tomorrow, jake and i are going to the lake tomorrow, because i guess their is a heat wave, weird huh?! oregonians are weak! it's like all over the news! the high today was 96 degress! OMG WERE ALL DOING TO DIE!!! gosh... idiots... go to the philippines you wimps! i'm in a bad mood now! :( so yeah i was the first one in the river, so hopefully i will be the first one in the lake tomorrow! probably! well i will post tomorrow.... i guess

p.s i went to the fireworks tent with Jakob to see the Clarks... but kyle wasn't there :( so we hung out with Kurt and Kameron, we went to walmart and we stayed there for like 3 hours... time flies! we also saw Zoe and Zack. hmmm.... i actually saw friends today! i didn't even have plans today!


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Transformers 2

no story line... lots of graphics though! don't regret seeing it! i saw some of my friends... i wished i saw more... gosh! so in the theater, i had to sit by...her and it was awkward and unconfortable. i was squirming in my seat the whole time. She just had to make it worst by doing the friekin same thing. im still jittery from it... what is my problem and what should i do next? i mean. i can't even sit right next to her. i can't even look at her. seriously. i thought i was holding it in but i guess not. they caught me :( whatever...

p.s 4 of July party at my house! well trying... anytime i doesn't work. never. we got some of those real fireworks from washington. yaya! so were having like a BBQ and all that crap...but we don't have that much washington kyle...if you come... bring some FREE fireworks from your tent! lol! i'm not paying! :)