Thursday, July 9, 2009

buh bye world!.....for now

well their is no way i'm going to get one tomorrow morning. i will be so tired and cranky.
but i will post about my trip to hawaii early afternoon. keep in touch k? o and i might bring soiveinears (spell check)... maybe... so yeah. their BETTER be WiFi at the hotel. or... i will die... but maybe away from myspace, facebook, and blogspot is what i need. idk. i will make my decision when i get there.



p.s if i do die, tell janae.... sorry. and etc.... everything i told you guys!


  1. Bye Derek,
    Have fun, ok!? If you die...can I get all of your stuff and sell it for money? JUST KIDDING! That would be horrible. That's why you're not going to die

    but if you do die, can I have Janae back? Also kidding. But I will tell all that you've said. =P
    Just don't die, that way I won't have to speak to her. hahaha. I'm too tired for this.

  2. on the plus side if you died i'd get to go shopping and buy a new dress......but i think i'd be pretty sad so just dont ok
